Tuesday, February 23, 2010

  1. Shopping at Ward's, a locally owned grocery store, makes me so very happy. Today I went all out. Lots of bulk foods, lots of produce and spinach pies still warm from the oven.
  2. I have unrealistic expectations for my time. What I thought would take a quick 20 minutes today took a solid three hours.
  3. The kids and I often play 3 goods and a bad when I pick them up from school as a way to get filled in on the other person's day. Yesterday Lily pointed out that my bad is almost always the same: I didn't get done all that I hoped I would. She told me that if I let go of my expectations and just did what I was doing, I would be happier. Perhaps a young Buddhist walks among us?
  4. Glass class needs new sparkers and glasses.
  5. I have also planted more seeds, because seedlings are my friends. Currently incubating are - Early Girl Tomato, Sweetie Baby Tomato, Bell Pepper, Scarlet Red Hibiscus, Florida Cotton (picked on a walk with my sister's family in Sarasota), chives and a beautiful marigold variety called butter and eggs. It's time for a garden plan!


gana said...
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gana said...

love #3. great advice for us all. children are wise. ♥